Texas NAWGJ: Keeping Texas judges informed and up to date with the latest in the world of judging women's gymnastics

Monday, 01 May 2023 23:42

TX NAWGJ State Committee Election 2023-2025

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The 2023-2025 TX NAWGJ state committee election begins on June 1 with voting from June 25 - July 10 if needed. The new term begins on August 1.

2023-2025 TX NAWGJ State Committee Election

Voting for contested positions: June 25 - July 10, 2023

Term: August 1, 2023 - July 31, 2025


Texas judges,

The 2023 Texas NAWGJ state committee election process begins June 1, 2023.

For any judge meeting the following qualifications:


  1. All national, regional, state, and at-large directors and officers shall be 21 years of age.
  2. All state committee members shall be certified judges for a minimum of one year (12 months) - by June 1, 2022.
  3. A candidate must live in the state where her/his address is on record with the national office unless otherwise approved by the national committee.
  4. A candidate must be in good standing under the canons and disciplinary rules of the NAWGJ Code of Professional Responsibility.
  5. A member must be active by March 1, 2023, 90 days before the election begins, in order to be eligible to vote.

If you are interested in running for a position on the 2023-2025 TX NAWGJ state committee, please complete the

 application form

and return it along with a photo to BOTH the NAWGJ vice-president AND the regional judging director by June 15, 2023.

***Rename the application file and your photo file with your name and state initials.***

Failure to e-mail an application by the deadline indicates that you do NOT wish to run for office.


Mail to:

NAWGJ Vice-President

Ann Heppner

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Region 3 Regional Judging Director (RJD)

Marilyn Blilie

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Judges meeting the above requirements who wish to run for any position should know that each job will be time-consuming. Organizational and computer skills are essential. The majority of communication is done via e-mail, online conferences, and the website. Internet access is a prerequisite. Committee members must be able or must agree to learn and use these skills as required in their respective positions.




District 1 assigner
(West Texas):

Assign and contract officials to competitions from the available judges in his/her district. Serve as the primary liaison between his/her district and the SJD. Assist the SJD with events in his/her district.

The District 2/3 assigner will coordinate with the District 2/3 high school assigner when necessary in assigning meets.

District 2/3 assigner

District 4/7 assigner
(Austin/San Antonio):

District 5/6 assigner

District 2/3 high school assigner

Assign and contract officials to the high school competitions in Districts 2/3. Coordinate with the District 2/3 assigner when necessary in assigning meets.

Secretary/Newsletter Editor:

Record minutes for all meetings and conferences. Prepare minutes for review and acceptance by the state committee, and publish the minutes in a newsletter to the membership. Send notifications to the webmaster to post on the website. Prepare and publish electronic newsletters to the members as directed by the SJD. Assist the SJD in sending information to the membership.


Maintain the checking account and provide quarterly financial reports as required by NAWGJ. Work with the SJD to develop a budget for the year or for events. Disburse funds as directed by the SJD. Submit reports at the yearly meeting and to the committee for approval. Receive written approval for all expenditures, gifts, or donations. Bookkeeping skills and a working knowledge of MS Excel and a bookkeeping program are required.

Event Coordinator:

Work with the SJD and the treasurer on the budget and expenditures for the state judges’ cup, the national judges' cup, and the Xcel Xtravaganza meets. Recommend sites and hosts for the approval of the state committee for events. Coordinate with the SJD to negotiate final contracts. Assist in promoting meets and clinics. Obtain assistance from the local NAWGJ representatives. Other duties may include but are not limited to ordering medals, finding sponsors, assisting the SJD with volunteer events, and helping with membership discounts and clinics. Must file with the treasurer any sums of money spent or received. Obtain permission from the SJD for depreciable expenses of $100 or more. Shall be responsible to the SJD and the state committee.

Education Coordinator:

Coordinate a team to develop and implement a judges’ education program:

  • Practice judging
  • Test preparation
  • Clinics
  • New judge orientation
  • How to be a panel judge
  • How to be a good chief judge
  • How to be a good meet referee

Recruitment and Retention Coordinator:

Recruitment: coordinate a team to attract and identify individuals who have the best backgrounds and qualifications, reaching the right people. This role is vital to growth.

Who is the best target audience? How do we reach and inspire new candidates?

Retention: coordinate a team to ensure high retention; keep judges motivated; develop and administer a mentoring program.

Why do judges stay; why do judges quit?

Professionalism Coordinator:

Coordinate a team to encourage adherence to the NAWGJ canons and rules. Provide fair and equitable resolution of complaints regarding the professional conduct of judges




  1. Must be elected in order to vote. If they are not elected, they may not carry out duties that allow them to handle funds, issue NAWGJ contracts as the designated assigner, vote on state committee issues, or write anything in print on behalf of NAWGJ, including newsletters or web material.
  2. Be responsible to the State Judging Director.
  3. Represent the state where the address is on file with the National Office unless special circumstances are stated in a petition to the State Committee in writing.
  4. Fulfill the specific duties as outlined by the State Judging Director for the committee position held.
  5. Enforce the adherence to high ethical standards in judging.


  1. Be present at all State Committee meetings and present, discuss, and vote on pertinent issues (Texas holds four quarterly meetings per year including GAT).
  2. Failure to attend two consecutive State Committee meetings shall constitute an automatic suspension. A proxy will not fulfill the attendance requirement. A proxy may be designated if she/he is a current member and approved by the State Judging Director. The proxy will not have a vote.


  1. Approve the State Judging Director’s budget.
  2. Consult with the State Judging Director about expenditures of more than $200.00 for depreciable items and $100.00 for non-NAWGJ activities or expenditures for gifts or donations.
  3. Expenditures incurred by a State Committee member must be approved in writing by the State Judging Director.


  1. Support and promote the National Judges Cup and NAWGJ events/responsibilities must take priority over non-NAWGJ events. (See Financial Policy in Operating Code.)

Failure to comply with the responsibilities of this office could result in removal from office by the state committee.


  • Monetary reimbursement shall be awarded to committee members attending required meetings as the state budget allows.
  • Financial reimbursement may be given to committee members who attend clinics related to their committee positions, as the state budget allows.
  • Pertinent educational materials shall be provided to committee members as deemed necessary by the SJD.




June 1

The RJD publishes a description of the voting process and dates for the procedures along with descriptions for all state committee roles.

June 15

Candidate Application Form due: Deadline date of June 15. Failure to respond by the deadline date (postmarked) indicates that the candidate does NOT wish to run for office.

June 25

Voting begins. Any voting NAWGJ member must meet the criteria for eligibility to vote 90 days prior to the date voting begins.

July 10

Voting ends. The Regional Judging Director notifies the candidates, the SJD, the vice president, and the national secretary.

The SJD sends election results to the state membership.

August 1

The newly elected state committee members assume office.


If you have any questions, please contact Marilyn Blilie (RJD) or me.

Bonnie B. Crawford, TX State Judging Director (SJD)  
': 817-454-6138
*: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read 3566 times Last modified on Saturday, 03 June 2023 14:30