Texas NAWGJ: Keeping Texas judges informed and up to date with the latest in the world of judging women's gymnastics

Wednesday, 16 September 2015 23:48

2015-16 HS Rule Changes / Clarifications

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Read the THSGCA's rule changes and clarifications for the 2015-2016 high school gymnastics season.

The following high school rule changes passed at GAT 2015 effective immediately:

  1. Gymnasts must present themselves at the start and at the end of the exercise.
  2. Improper attire:
    1. The only jewelry acceptable is one stud earing per ear (lower lobe) for females only. No other jewelry shall be worn - no exceptions. Any other jewelry is considered improper attire; tongue piercings of any kind are not allowed.
    2. The deduction for improper attire will be a one-time .5 deduction on the first event after following USAG guidelines (GAT 04).
  3. The exposed bra, tattoo, and facial hair deduction will be taken each time (.1 per event).
  4. Hair devices that are safe and reasonably secured may be worn to keep hair away from the gymnast's eyes and face.

In addition, high school will NOT go with the vault change that USAG put in place this season for Level 8. Gymnasts will be allowed 2 vaults (not required that both be taken), with the better score counting.

Clarification (2015-01-21):

High school gymnasts will do 2 vaults with the better of the 2 counting; it is not required that they vault twice.

Apply the new vaulting deductions of too long in support up to .5 and angle deduction up to 1.0 for non-salto vaults.

The new deduction of 1.0 for spotting in the post flight is also in effect instead of the void.

No other changes were made this year that pertain to the judges.

Read 9617 times Last modified on Wednesday, 07 November 2018 23:58