Texas NAWGJ: Keeping Texas judges informed and up to date with the latest in the world of judging women's gymnastics

Monday, 06 March 2017 09:02

Wanted: Volunteers for Big 12 Championships

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We need volunteers for the Big 12 Championships at the Dr. Pepper Arena in Frisco, TX on March 18, 2017.

Calling for Volunteers

2017 Big 12 Championships


Would you would like to volunteer for the Big 12 Championships at the Dr. Pepper Arena in Frisco, TX on March 19, 2017?

From: Lisa Cavanaugh <lisacavanaugh@cox.net>
Subject: Volunteer Opportunity & Some PHENOMENAL Gymnastics


Can you guys forward this out to Texas NAWGJ members that might be interested in supporting our meet and getting volunteer CPE credits?

The season has flown by and it is time to get ready for the BIG 12 Gymnastics Championship meet. We are once again honored to have the meet in Frisco, Texas at the Dr. Pepper Arena.  The meet  will be Saturday, March 18 at 4:00. The meet will run quickly...we will be done around 6:00 pm.

We have volunteer opportunities for timers and line judges. We are looking for 4-6 volunteers.

We can't run the meet without your help!  Please let me know if you are interested.

Respond by email or feel free to give me a call with any questions.

Please contact:

Lisa Cavanaugh



Additional information: 




Remember that to qualify for the national or brevet judges' course, you must volunteer at a minimum of 2 separate functions for a total of 12 hours (a minimum of 2 hours per event) from 2013 through 2017:

2017 USA Gymnastics National Judges' course eligibility form


2017 USA Gymnastics USA-Brevet Judges' course eligibility form

Read 1416 times Last modified on Sunday, 18 June 2017 01:08