2022 TX NAWGJ Judges' Cup Package
4 Locations
September 30 - October 2, 2022
Judges' Cup is TX NAWGJ's main fundraiser. Because of this event, we are able to offer funds for judges' education like NAWGJ membership renewals, gift certificates, and the $300 education award in 2022.
Choose from 4 great locations:
- Midland - count = TBD
- DFW - count = TBD
- San Antonio - count = TBD
- Houston - count = TBD
The package:
- All active Texas NAWGJ judges who volunteer a minimum of 3 hours will have their NAWGJ membership dues paid.
- After the first 3 hours of volunteer time, judges will have the option to use the time to:
- Meet CPE requirements:
- Choose:
- In-gym (^6 hours)
- Volunteering (^4 hours)
- May split between in-gym and volunteering
- Judges must have their CPE miscellaneous form signed
- Choose:
- Receive a gift certificate equivalent to $15/hour for use toward education expenses
- The gift certificates will be mailed
- The gift certificates may not be replaced if lost or stolen
- Meet CPE requirements:
- May split time between CPE and gift certificates after the initial 3 hours
- May not use the same hours for both CPE and gift certificates; no "doubling up"
- Measured by hours not sessions
- Texas NAWGJ will reimburse mileage at $0.25/mile
- Texas NAWGJ will reimburse hotel rooms up to $50/person/night not to exceed the value of the room
- All reimbursement requests that are not accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope will have $5 deducted from the final amount.
Texas NAWGJ will select one judge from the list of all 2022 Judges' Cup volunteers to attend National Judges' Cup free - all expenses paid.