2021 TX NAWGJ Judges' Cup Package
4 Locations
October 1-3, 2021
Choose from 4 great locations:
- Midland (new) - count = 135
- DFW - count = 422
- San Antonio - count = 278
- Houston - count = 248
The package:
- All Texas NAWGJ judges who volunteer a minimum of 3 hours will have their NAWGJ membership dues paid.
- After the first 3 hours of volunteer time, judges will have the option to use the time to:
- Meet CPE requirements:
- Choose:
- In-gym (^6 hours)
- Volunteering (^4 hours)
- May split between in-gym and volunteering
- Judges must have their CPE miscellaneous form signed
- Choose:
- Receive a gift certificate equivalent to $15/hour for use toward education expenses
- The gift certificates will be mailed
- The gift certificates may not be replaced if lost or stolen
- Meet CPE requirements:
- May split time between CPE and gift certificates after the initial 3 hours
- May not use the same hours for both CPE and gift certificates; no "doubling up"
- Measured by hours not sessions
- Texas NAWGJ will reimburse mileage at $0.25/mile
- Texas NAWGJ will reimburse hotel rooms up to $50/person/night not to exceed the value of the room
- All reimbursement requests that are not accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope will have $5 deducted from the final amount.